Giant Bamboo Shoots and leaves in fresh, powder and Tea form is  

Superfood for nutrition, health and medicine, the synergy of Health and beauty.

The demand for bamboo shoots, leaves and mushrooms in fresh, powder and capsule form  is soaring both in the local and international Market because of so many health benefits that it bestows to the human physiology. With our Unibamboo Advance Technology we can produce delicious, nutritious and succulent Giant Bamboo shoots all year round. 

Organic, free of pesticide and other harmful chemicals,  Giant Bamboo shoots is just delicious with almost like sphagetti texture and has a neutral taste and can be incorporated with other dishes.

Giant Bamboo shoots and leaves are very rich in silica which is essential for collagen and full optimization of elastin synthesis needed for skin, hair, joints arterial health and heart health. Among other health benefits which the human body needs like a great source of plant based protein, very low in carbohydrates, high in fiber. High nutrient dense, rich in essential vitamins and Minerals like zinc. 

Helps lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and helps maintain healthy gut microbiome. 

In the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bamboo shoots and other bamboo products is of great interest when it comes to Physical, mental and sexual health. In Korea, Bamboo salt is very expensive and is considered a great supplement that you can take everyday to help secure good health. 

With Unibmaboo Technology, we can produce Giant Bamboo shoots most  of the year. Giant Bamboo shoots averages at 8 kilos each at 10000 shoots per hectare per year at 10th year from planting. This sells at P60 per kilo wholesale locally.

Whether you are trying to lengthen your telomeres, growing more and revitalizing your mitochondrion, or trying to avoid aberrant cells to proliferate or reversing a disease process, eating healthy food is sine qua non for a very healthy living. Bamboo shoots is a superfood, silica as one of the main nutrients that it provides that you cannot get from any food that is concentrated enough as in Bamboo Shoots or Bamboo leaf Tea. 

Ever wonder what substance that makes the bamboo grow so tall in a few days? 

In recent medical breakthroughs, silica is as important as collagen.  Although collagen is ever present in the whole physiology of the human body providing strength, structure and support  but without silica, collagen can't be absorbed, bonded, built, formed and repair arteries, bone, cartilage, muscles, skin and tendons.  Without silica may and  can lead to varied medical conditions from alzheimer's,  arthritis to stroke. As a simple analogy, think of collagen as cement and silica as steel.

The demand for bamboo shoots is surging high anywhere in the world.

If we make this food accessible, affordable and available all the time and in every corner all year round, what would be the demand?

Bamboo Shoots with seafood, Bamboo Shoots Burger and Bamboo Shoots Pasta.

More Level up bamboo shoots recipes like Bamboo Shoot Embutido or Bamboo Shoot Carbonara! 

In Japan, during spring time, you can buy a delicious grilled Bamboo shoot with an aroma of grilled sweet corn and a texture of pineapple.

Fresh Bamboo Shoots are only available in Springtime and are expensive. You can also get fried rice with bamboo shoots and chicken seasonally in restaurants and as street food. 

Menma is a Japanese Delicious Delicacy of Bamboo shoots eaten as is or as topping with anything specially ramen.

In Singapore you can get delicious bamboo shoots dumplings in restaurants and as street food. 

In Thailand, you can usually buy this as a street food. Delish and fast!

Local delicious Bamboo Shoots dishes like Adobo


Bamboo shoots with crab and coconut milk.




Bamboo shoots with Shrimp and coconut milk.

Bamboo shoots Torta

Additional Scientific research