The Potential  will be based  on ones creativeness and Imaginations


Carbon Negative


The Predictability, Security of supply for Energy for an Island like the Philippines is of utmost priority and concern. 



Elasticity/Energy Density



Reliability/Renewable/ Re usability

Safety/ Security/Sustainability  

Why self reliance in  Energy is equally important in ElectroMobility? 

The Energy of the future is Kind to the Environment, Decentralized, Sustainable, Renewable and Wealth Creator. Invest Wisely!

Unibamboo will produce top quality briquettes that can be enjoyed in every households for cooking, heating and energy productions as well as inputs in farms, industries and any entities that needs energy including storage and mobility or transport. 

Briquette is the heart of sumptuous dining experience from  the most  expensive grilling restaurants in New York, Tokyo or Manila. 

Briquette is also much appreciated in Many cultures from the Americans, Maharlikan and Timawa Cuisine.

How TEG can help power the future!

The Materials

The Technology

The Future

A hectare of Giant Bamboo Produces 7,800 liters of gasoline per year as BioEthanol. 

Electric Cars will be less than P500,000 in the future.

We Have the Battery materials. 

But where will you get your Electricity? 


